
ClamXav - antivirus
Evernote - for note taking
Handbrake - for media conversion
LibreOffice - for working on office docs… though starting to use Keynote for presentations
Onyx - mac maintenance app
VLC - for watching media on the mac
Vox - nice clean music player
Transmission - for bittorrent
ImageOptim - image compression
WriteRoom - for writing

Adium - for XMPP and stuff
Colloquy - for IRC
CyberDuck - for FTPness
Firefox - for browsing
Opera - for fast browsing

[Sublime Text][14] - text editor
[Postgres App][15] - best way to run postgres on osx
[TextMate][16] - Editing things
[VMWare Fusion][17] to virtualize things
[iterm2][21] - cooler terminal [14]: https://www.sublimetext.com/3 [15]: https://postgresapp.com/ [16]: https://macromates.com/ [17]: https://www.vmware.com/products/fusion/overview.html [21]: https://www.iterm2.com/#/section/home